About the Author - LOVE THE PALMER

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Los Angeles • Philadelphia • New York, CA • PA • NY, United States
This blog is written by Palmer Enfield. Palmer is a producer-director and the founder of RedMaiden (www.redmaiden.tv), a branded content, boutique creative company. As a director, her forte is slice of life storytelling and visual imagery. Like RedMaiden, she is a warrior in her own right--a two time cancer survivor (Hodgkins Lymphoma & Breast Cancer) her strength has been forged in life or death battles. Palmer’s personal experience adds a unique weight and substance that is reflected in her work where her willingness to expose and share her own story helps people give voice to their own personal human drama. Out of this comes Palmer’s natural sense of dialogue and performance and her ability to capture spontaneity through great casting choices and direction. Palmer’s directing style is emotional, visual storytelling, dialogue and kids with a touch of subtle, dry humor. Her growing body of work naturally attracts pharmaceutical and healthcare related projects as well as many others. Palmer believes strongly that mentoring and sharing information is essential to the growth of a creative economy. This blog was born out of that belief. Contact Palmer at palmer@redmaiden.tv

Monday, June 27, 2011

Where to find a top DP

It's always tricky trying to pick a DP for a project. Of course directors always want to work with someone they know. Unfortunately, that DP may not be the best choice for the project. So where do you turn when you need a top DP. Here's a list of DP agents and reps I recently came across . . .

In the USA:
Innovative Artists (no website)
ICM USA (no website)
Endeavor Talent Agency (no website)
United Talent, www.unitedtalent.com
Jacob & Kole, http://www.jacobandkole.com/
Orlando Managment, www.orlandomanagement.com
Radiant Artists, http://www.radiantartists.com/
Sherry Rousso Agency, http://www.sradp.com/
Stacy Sheriff Agency, www.stacycheriffagency.com
The Mack Agency, http://www.themackagency.net/
Montana Artists, www.montanartists.com
Sheldon Prosnit Agency, www.lspagency.net
Paradigm, www.jeannineangelique.com
Creative Entertainment Connections, www.cec-entertainment.com

The following fall under "crewing services" but are also options for finding DP's in both the US and internationally. I've worked with a few through these folks and have had good experiences:

Not a rep or agent but another great option for finding DP's (and other folks):

And for those projects out of the country where you want a local DP, here are some DP agent/rep options in England, France and Germany:

In England:
Casarotto Marsh, www.casarotto.co.uk
PFD (Peters Frasers Dunlop), www.pfd.co.uk
McKinney MacCartney, www.mckinneymacartney.com
Wizzo, www.wizzoandco.co.uk
Visions@Wizzo, www.visionatwizzo.com
My Management, www.mymanagement.co.uk
ICM UK (no website)
Dinedor, www.dinedor.com
Dench Arnold, www.dencharnold.com
Sarah Putt Agency, www.sara-putt.co.uk

In France:
Agence First One, www.first-one.fr
Cosmic Paris, www.cosmicparis.com
Kinou, www.kinou.fr

In Germany:
1st Unit, www.1st-unit.de
Traband Management, www.traband-management.com
Trinity Agency, www.trinityagency.de

Know of one we've missed that should be included on this list? Email me at palmer@redmaiden.tv and I'll add it to the list.

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